Sunday, April 12, 2009

AH HELL NO!!! She's Moving Back In

Baby girl has been busy rearranging stuff in the basement. She is clearly impressed with the job she is doing. The announcement to "come see what I've done so far" and " look at how I'm cleaning your basement" are regularly heard around here. But seriously, how impressed can I be when the crap she is clearing up and rearranging, is the crap she left here when she moved out....TWICE!
The child moving out doesn't necessarily mean that all their crap goes with them. Oh no. Why should it? Mom and dad have enough space in the big old house. House, facility it is not. Do any other parents with adult children have these problems?? The kids get apartments that don't accommodate all the stuff they have accumulated through their years. But of course they can't get rid of it, so it stays here. I have to admit I did the same to my mom but what did she do? She gave it all to a friend to sell at the flea market. When I found out, I was angry and appalled that she took this upon herself without asking me first. She told me that it was in her house and that I hadn't even realized it was missing in the first place. She was right. Anything really important she shipped it to me in California, at her expense. After all it had been 7 years since I had moved out of her house.

David is thrilled his little buddy is moving back to the nest. Me? Not so much.

Don't get me wrong. I love her and all, it's just that..... how do I put this.


Her sarcasm and bitchiness is more than I can handle these days.

And to be honest....there can only be ONE sarcastic bitch around here.


1 comment:

Bookworm said...

Ah yes, the rubber band generation....or maybe more aptly, the boomerang generation.

My oldest moved out and in at least three far. *eye roll* And he's 26 now. Youngest has moved out and in and is still "in" but I gave him the "you have three months to get a real job and move out" speech that I've given him five times and never seems to take. And Dr. Jekyll gets mad at me because I don't stick to my guns. But honestly, the thought of your child being homeless on the street? That's more than I can bear.

And remember...they will choose your nursing home someday. Yikes! LOL