Sunday, October 19, 2008

Blogging and Twitter and Ning..Oh My!

Why do I never have time to do the things I really want to do?
Cause there is this thing called the internet. A blessing and a curse at the same time.
But every once in awhile you come across something you find from bouncing around this world wide web that knocks your socks off.
This past socks were knocked off. Way off.

My daughter has been complaining ( for quite awhile now) about how nasty or ill mannered people are. She says that people aren't as giving as they should be. She is a huge giver..sometimes to the point where she screws herself over. But still she gives. She is the kind that still opens doors for others, says please and thank you and gets pissed when people don't do the same. Trust me...I've been with her when she hasn't gotten a thank you for holding a door open for someone. her response was...(with a smile) " you're welcome"
Her great idea is that if parents are not enforcing this ..then schools should have a coarse in manners. Ah my child..the dreamer...the one that wants a perfect world. Well maybe not perfect..but damn close.

Anyway... in the course of my browsing from blog to blog..twitter, then nings groups.
I came across a group who's soul purpose is to give. And to do it as a challenge.
Giving as a I thought at fist.a challenge?? It should come automatically. Then I thought about Anjelika..and she is right. This society seems to be me me me me me me me.

It is hard to explain the feeling that came over me as I read. It was overwhelming. I KNEW I HAD to do this. As I read other members's just so inspiring. And more than anything a newfound belief that there is plenty of goodness all around us.

So if there is anything you want to challenge yourself to do. I urge you to check out

Visit 29-Day Giving Challenge

If anything.... what goes around,comes around.

This will be an interesting journey

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