Now let me explain a few things first. After I moved out of my parents home, I would still ask permission to go into their fridge when I was hungry. I've never been the kind that raids someone fridge. EVER. Tony is that way too. He will ask, the other two...not so much. But that's ok..they are mine so it's no big deal.
Last night I came downstairs to get myself a diet coke and saw a piece of bread and a slice of cheese unopened on my counter. Hmmm. As I came downstairs, I had heard someone going back downstairs and I wondered why would anyone be on the first floor. Till I saw the food on the counter. Was someone helping themselves and upon hearing me coming, scamper downstairs? I instantly got pissed. WTF?? Seriously? You are thieving munchies?
I have no problem with everyone coming over here and partying but the first floor is off limits.
Snaking food is definitely not cool.
Of course when I brought this up to David, somehow it got turned around and he went off on a tangent on how he isn't working and how he can't fill the fridge. Blah Blah Blah.
Beer and unemployment doesn't go together well.
As I sit here I realize it's not about being hungry and raiding my fridge but about the sneaky way this person went about it.
What to do.... do I padlock my fridge Saturday nights?
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