Monday, August 11, 2008

A Proud Moment

Busy weekend...48 hours just isn't enough time to cram in everything you HAVE to do and everything you WANT to do on your days off of work. And cram I did. I cleaned up the house, ran around shopping for groceries and misc. stuff, Anjelika's car broke down and had to wait for a ride, worked on 3 projects simultaneously, visited with some friends, babysat, went to park, made dinner, cleaned up again and went to a neighborhood block party. WHEW!

the tricycle race

Damien teaching Desi how to play drums

Thrilled he is allowed to play REAL drums

Little Sister and the Bullies
(Tony and Laura are next to each other)

The proud moment??? Well that didn't come from me or David.

After Tony and Laura finished their set, Mr. Ling, the organizer, took the mike to thank them for playing. He announced how Tony was only about 11-12 yrs. old when he had seen Tony play ( he is a music teacher at the Catholic school by us) and asked him to play at his wedding over 10 yrs ago. He said he was amazing back then and how he still kills on a guitar. He then gave Tony a big bear hug. Now that's a picture I wish someone had taken.

The wonderful Mr Ling playing a mean violin

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