Sunday, January 4, 2009

While Spacing Out..

1. Sunday nights are the worst. I'm already thinking of the things I have to do once I get to the office in the morning.

2. Why hasn't Tony called me?? Has he forgotten that I was in labor with him for an hour and that gives me dibs on who he should call first?

3. How does anyone play online poker for this long?? If he was betting REAL money I would seriously have to kill him and collect the life insurance money.

4. Hmmm.. haven't heard from Anjelika either....maybe that's who Tony is talking to instead of me.

5. Might be babysitting baby boy Tuesday night while Damien plays his show and Emilie is going too. Kinda worried..getting up and ready for work with a baby at home, to then drop said baby off before heading to work, sure isn't the same now as it was in my 20's.

6. I really need to get out of these jammies, take a shower and put on a fresh pair. Chewy won't lay on the couch with me...Doesn't that tell ya something?

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